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What Happened To The Christians?

It’s coming. Are you willing to say there is one God? “Yes, I’m willing to say there is one God.” What is His name? “Jesus.” NO! Blasphemy!! Off with your head!! Farfetched? Not according to a rather small, yet increasingly powerful group of highly religious members of an Orthodox Jewish sect called Chabad-Lubavitch. This sect is a little known, well-represented and forceful proponent of instilling an ancient set of Talmudic rules to govern humanity called the Noahide Laws, also known as the Noahide Code. The Noahide Code details seven universal laws established for Gentiles which, according to Chabad-Lubavitch, will bring ultimate unity and world peace. According to Talmudic writings, the Code was presented to Noah after the great flood. The Encyclopaedia Britannica says that the Noahide Laws are: “a Jewish Talmudic designation for seven biblical laws given to Adam and to Noah before the revelation to Moses on Mt. Sinai and consequently binding on all mankind” (Noahide Laws). Not found in the Bible or the Torah, most modern day Jews are totally unaware of such laws, and if they are aware, they consider them benign. Christians are largely clueless. Christians do know that the beasts found in the books of Daniel and Revelation are a part of prophetic prophecy, but there is great debate about who and or what these beasts represent. There is an opinion, however, growing among many, that these Noahide Laws will play a role in what Christians term, “the last days,” when a beast system begins to overtake the religious freedoms of Christianity.

“It was in Russia that Chabad-Lubavitch was born more than 200 years ago, and since then nurtured there by its Rebbes in each generation” (Schulman). It was an obscure beginning, but much like the oral traditions that have been faithfully guarded and passed on throughout the generations of Jacob, Chabad-Lubavitch has not only endured, but is thriving, as indicated by Heilman: “… in 2005 the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs reported that up to one million Jews attend Chabad services at least once a year” (Heilman). These numbers have most definitely increased, with the bulk of adherents located in Crown Heights, NY. Chabad-Lubavitch’s philosophy is based primarily on rabbinical teachings from the Babylonian Talmud under the mystical influence of Kabbalah. On Chabad’s webpage, under the title, “Kabbala is an ancient Jewish tradition integral to the Torah” (Erdstein), Kabbalah is discussed at length and explained: “Often referred to as the ‘soul’ of the Torah, the Kabbalah is an ancient Jewish tradition which teaches the deepest insights into the essence of G‑d” (Erdstein). Kabbalah, or Jewish mysticism (along with the Babylonian Talmud and other ancient philosophy) is integrated into the teachings of Chabad-Lubavitch. The primary philosopher influencing the Chabad Movement is Maimonides, quoted by the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy as, “... the greatest Jewish philosopher of the medieval period and is still widely read today. The Mishneh Torah, his 14-volume compendium of Jewish law, established him as the leading rabbinic authority of his time and quite possibly of all time” (Maimonides). Maimonides is the preeminent hidden voice of Chabad-Lubavitch and undoubtedly their driving force.

The Noahide Laws were not rigorously advanced until around 1950, when the sect’s leadership changed. It was Chabad-Lubavitch’s seventh and most important leader, Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson, a renowned scholar of the Talmud and Maimonides, who began to propel the notion of promoting the laws to be universally observed. The Noahide Academy states the Rebbe’s goal: “[Rebbe Schneerson] would often speak of the obligation of all humankind to adhere to and live by the Seven Noahide Commandments – the universal code of morality and ethics, given to all at Sinai. This, the Rebbe insisted, is of the utmost necessity to bring sanity and stability to a perplexed world” (Schulman). Rabbi Schneerson considered all of mankind to be under an obligation to live by the laws, and the Lubavitchers, fiercely loyal to him, understand that the mandate to see to that has landed squarely on their shoulders.

Chabad-Lubavitch is well connected and gains access to those in the highest positions of international governments. Russia’s Vladimir Putin has long embraced the Chabad movement. According to Politico Magazine, “Starting in 1999, Putin enlisted two of his closest confidants, the oligarchs Lev Leviev and Roman Abramovich, who would go on to become Chabad’s biggest patrons worldwide, to create the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia under the leadership of Chabad Rabbi Berel Lazar, who would come to be known as “Putin’s rabbi” (Schreckinger). Putin’s friend, Rabbi Lazar is known as a supporter of the Noahide Laws as revealed on the Noahide Academies website, where his name is listed: “Rabbi Berel Lazar, Chief Rabbi of Russia, Moscow” (United Noahide Academies). America’s President, Donald Trump also supports the small, yet powerful sect, as noted in Haaretz: “The Kushners have contributed close to $250,000 to institutions affiliated with the ultra-Orthodox outreach movement over the years, while Donald Trump has made a few donations of his own” (Maltz). Donald Trump has made large donations to the sect, but it's Trump’s son-in-law that is the true Lubavitch follower. Jared Kushner is on record as making one of the largest student financial donations to the group while studying at Harvard. Pendergrass states, “Kushner donated $18,000 to Chabad. 'It’s very, very rare that college students contribute on any level,' says Zarchi,” the rabbi of Harvard Chabad, "'who notes that Kushner’s gift was one of the largest checks ever given to the organization'” (Pendergrass). What is Kushner’s friend, Rabbi’s Zarchi’s vision? “Zarchi and other Chabad rabbis like him … aim is to draw Jews to Orthodoxy. As far as non-Jews are concerned, they have a campaign called Seven for Seventy, trying to convince them to follow the seven Noahide commandments” (Heilman). Zarchi campaigns for Gentiles to become Noahide adherents. Is Kushner aligned with his mentor’s goal? The assumption is that he is. His devotion to the Rebbe was witnessed by many when he travelled to Israel, documented in a Haaretz headline : “Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner Visit Lubavitcher Rebbe's Grave to Pray for Election Victory” (Haaretz).

Chabad-Lubavitch’s main vision, however, reaches further than a set of laws. Mentioned in the quote above, the group has hopes of and is working toward creating an Organization of Seventy Nations, as an alternative to the UN. And as such, it plans to establish the Noahide Laws as a legitimate universal code for the entire world. Looking towards a “new era of global cooperation,” the group held its first convention in Israel last September, 2019. The news of the gathering was largely ignored by the media, but a religious news organization with Christian sponsorship, called Breaking Israeli News (BIN) wrote about the event and its purpose… “The Organization of 70 Nations is expected to enable cooperation towards economic and social programs that will benefit all mankind. Included in this will be an international court based on Biblical principles” (Berkowitz). Those Biblical principals are the Noahide Laws. Their vision is vast and while most are unaware due to the obscurity of the sect, Chabad-Lubavitch presses on, drawing as many high-profile political personalities as possible. Continuing in the BIN article, we read, “...the Sanhedrin decided to invite Nikki Haley, the former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, to be the honorary president of the Organization of 70 Nations” (Berkowitz). There is no evidence that Nikki Haley ever responded to the invitation, but they forged ahead and created a coin with her image on it, ready for her acceptance, “An Israeli organization has minted a coin emblazoned with the face of Nikki Haley, President Donald Trump’s former ambassador to the United Nations, to commemorate her defense of Israel in the world body” (Debre). The article clarifies that there were three religious groups behind making the coin. The Organization of Seventy Nations is in its infant stage, but even with the strength of the Sanhedrin, who hold an impressive amount of power within Israel, Chabad-Lubavitch’s vision seems unattainable and frankly difficult to fathom. So, what are the seven Noahide Laws?

They are listed in different order in various publications, but according to the seven Noahide Laws are: “1) Do not profane God’s Oneness in any way, 2) Do not curse your Creator, 3) Do not murder, 4) Do not eat the limb of a living animal, 5) Do not steal, 6) Harness and channel the human libido, 7) Establish courts of law and ensure justice in our world” (Chabad). They are simple and at first glance, seem redundant to the biblical Ten Commandments. Why reiterate Moses’s laws? Why would these laws be a peril to Christians? Because the Chabad Jews are instituting them according to Maimonides, Talmudic precepts. It is important to understand the very first law and how that law is immediately broken by Christians. Oneness is monotheism. It is a very strong and undisputed belief that Judaism is monotheistic. It has to be. God is One. Quoting from the History Channel, a neutral source: “Judaism is the world’s oldest monotheistic religion, dating back nearly 4,000 years. Followers of Judaism believe in one God who revealed himself through ancient prophets” ( It is a great sin to be a polytheist. To the pure Jew, the religious Jew, Christians are considered polytheists because they believe in the Trinity -- Father, Son (Jesus) and Holy Spirit. The Three in One. Maimonides in particular agonized over what he perceived as Christian doctrinal blasphemy. In order to grasp this knowledge, it is important to understand Jewish terminology, which is key… learn the language, so to speak. These revelations are somewhat guarded and not easy to locate, but one very rich, well-documented source for this information is from a Hindu activist who has worked hard to bring the issue to light. He states, “According to the 1962 Soncino Jewish Talmud Glossary, Christians are classified under a special level of sin called ‘Minuth’. Christians are seen as ‘heretics’ who believe in ‘plural powers’” (Bruno). See the definition here, “MINUTH - Heresy, the belief in more than one Power, especially Judeo-Christianity” (Talmud Glossary). So the Talmud does not outright use the word, “Christian”, but uses other words to indicate a Christian and min (or minim) is only one that it uses; there are others. See in the 1906 version of the Jewish Encyclopedia how Maimonides saw a polytheistic heretic, “According to Maimonides ("Yad," Teshubah, iii.) the term "min" is applied to five classes of heretics: to those who deny the existence of God and His providence; to those who believe in two or in more than two gods; to those who ascribe to God form and figure…” (Minuth). According to Talmudic doctrine, min relates to idolaters. The term min is applied to Christians because Christians fail at least two measures. The Christian doctrine of the Trinity condemns the Christian as an idolater. The belief in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit break the Oneness rule (Law no. 1). Also, Christianity’s belief that Jesus is not only the Son of God, but is God, breaks the form and figure rule. According to Mamoinides, God can have no form. Jesus, Son of Man, Son of God, is a form. There are those today who will dispute that the Oneness problem applies to Christians. Unfortunately modern thought is not applicable in the case of the Noahide Laws because modernity will not be instilling the laws. An ancient belief system will be establishing them. That same system will also be establishing courts to oversee those laws. At least that’s the plan. And it will take Talmudic scholars to decide a case in terms of where the Christian stands. This is Noahide Law number seven. Establish courts. Before delving into the courts and going further, it’s important to recognize that Chabad-Lubavitch has made some tremendous headway toward their unthinkable goal. It is, indeed, difficult for the ordinary, thoughtful person to consider that such a plan could ever be recognized, but consider this…

In 1987, President Ronald Regan signed a Proclamation: “He [Chabad Lubavitch’s Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson] has provided a vivid example of the eternal validity of the Seven Noahide Laws, a moral code for all of us regardless of religious faith ” (Proclamation 492). Reagan proclaimed over our nation that the Seven Noahide Laws have eternal validity. That’s a strong statement for the head of the free world to make. Reagan validated Maimonides and the Lubavitch agenda when he did that. Then in 1991, H.J.Resolution 104 was signed into law by President George Bush, Sr. officially implementing the yearly observance of Education and Sharing Day, USA on March 26, honoring the Rebbe’s birthday. (Education and Sharing Day, USA sounds innocent and all about education, but inside H.J.Res 104, another motive is discovered), “Congress recognizes the historical tradition of ethical values and principles which are the basis of civilized society and upon which our great Nation was founded … these ethical values and principles that have been the bedrock of society from the dawn of civilization, when they were known as the Seven Noahide Laws” (H.J.Res 104). Bush made Reagan’s Proclamation official, instituting the Lubavitch vision as American Public Law. Then again in 1993, President Bill Clinton added another Resolution: “Whereas President William J. Clinton has indicated that ethical considerations will inform all of the decisions of his Administration; Whereas ethical teachings and values have formed the cornerstone of society since the dawn of civilization and found expression in the Seven Noahide Laws…” (H.J. Res 150). Presidents Ronald Reagan, George Bush, Sr., and Bill Clinton agreed with Chabad-Lubavitch -- America, along with the rest of the world, was founded on the Noahide Laws. It makes one wonder if they had any idea what the Noahide Laws represent, or if they knowingly undermined the Constitution, setting up Christians (and others) for future persecution, because neither America, nor the world was founded on this Talmudic ideal. Every single United States President since Bush, including Obama and Trump, has annually reiterated these Resolutions by re-signing Declarations to uphold the seven laws. See Chabad’s documentation from 2018: “President Donald J. Trump followed the previous six presidents—from Carter to Barack Obama—when he issued the proclamation marking Education and Sharing Day, the second of his presidency. A delegation of Chabad-Lubavitch leaders met with the president in the Oval Office for the signing” (Margolin). They’ve all done it. Every President. In 2018, it was actually stepped up a notch with every State Governor signing their own Proclamations as reported on “Education Day 2018: Proclamations From All 50 States” (The Rebbe). Incredibly, every governor from every state made it official, although it went largely under the radar. This movement reaches further than the United States, however. The UN has also made way for the future implementation of Chabad-Lubavitch’s vision as they self-document: “UNITED NATIONS, New York (June 10, 2013) – On the heels of the Lubavitcher Rebbe's 19th Yahrtzeit, members of the UN Diplomatic corps, UN Press Officers, and and other officials gathered at the UN headquarters in New York to learn how the Seven Noahide Laws must play a key role in international efforts for world peace” (United Nations). If one were to take the UN at its word, one would have to surmise that the UN wants the International World to incorporate the Laws, and yet, it does not stop with the UN. According to AskNoah.Org others have joined the cause, “Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Union wrote (in July, 2014) that he seeks greater ‘dissemination of the universal values known as the Noahide Laws,’ and Major General Michael Jeffery, Governor General of Australia… wrote that he believed that observing the fundamental values of the Noahide Laws can be an antidote to such ills of society” ( Apparently, the U.S. is not alone; other heads of state are following suit. Even the Vatican made an incredible move to endorse the Noahide Laws, setting its endorsement inside of an official document entitled Commission For Religious Relations With The Jews, emerging from its Bilateral Commission Meeting held in Jerusalem, dated March 13th, 2007 stating, “Jewish tradition emphasizes the Noachide Covenant (cf. Gn 9: 9-12) as containing the universal moral code which is incumbent on all humanity. This idea is reflected in Christian Scripture in the Book of Acts 15: 28-29” (Jorge Cardinal Mejía, Chief Rabbi Shear Yashuv Cohen). The Vatican wields great authority over its followers. Telling them that the laws are incumbent on all humanity is a powerful admonishment. The Vatican used scripture for its reasoning, which of course, to be believed, it must. Talmudic followers insist that Christianity is polytheism, so the other laws don’t really matter at all, but let’s see the reflection the Vatican is referring to… “For it seemed good to the Holy Ghost, and to us, to lay upon you no greater burden than these necessary things; That ye abstain from meats offered to idols, and from blood, and from things strangled, and from fornication: from which if ye keep yourselves, ye shall do well. Fare ye well (Acts 15:28-29). Two Laws were enough to establish in writing, the Noahide Code of seven laws. The scripture does coincide with Laws 4 and 6. But will that matter if Christians already are guilty of breaking Laws 1 and 2? It’s quite unbelievable that the Catholic Church officially endorsed the laws, but because it did, there is confusion among some Catholics and Christians. Does the Vatican believe that the laws will never be required to be observed? Is the Vatican moving away from a stringent “Jesus saves” concept, embracing more of an “all roads lead to God” idea? Many Christians believe the latter. What is the big deal anyway, if one does break a law? What happens then?

Law number seven -- establishing courts. The Jewish Encyclopedia 1906 shows us what that would look like: “The Noachidæ are required to establish courts of justice in every city and province; and these courts are to judge the people with regard to the six laws and to warn them against the transgression of any of them” (Laws Before Sinai). The Noachides referred to in this passage are Gentiles who convert. The predicament of adhering to the Noahide Laws presents the opportunity for conversion. One article gives some insight: “... there are hundreds, maybe even thousands, of Noahides, and most… are former Christians who’ve turned their backs on the faith” (Kress). According to the Noahide movement, Christians are converting to become Noahides. Continue reading: “... fellow Noahides represent the first modern attempt to take that 2000-year-old body of theoretic writings and bring it to life as a worldwide movement And for that, they can largely thank the vision of one 20th-century Jewish thinker: Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the late Lubavitcher rebbe” (Kress). It is important to reiterate that the Noahide Laws are for the Non-Jew. Conversion to becoming a Noahide makes the Gentile righteous. So, in a Noahide Law world, there will be Jews and there will be Noahides, or Righteous Gentiles. There can be no inbetween, and the punishment for breaking any of the laws is brutal.

Reading from the Jewish Encyclopedia, “With but a few exceptions, the punishment meted out to a Noachid for the transgression of any of the seven laws is decapitation” (Laws Before Sinai). That’s right. Decapitation. Capital punishment. For stealing. For getting an abortion. And it’s been signed into the United States Public Law. These punishments are for the converted Righteous Gentiles. For the Israelite, or the Jew, there is a differentiation; the punishments for breaking the laws are different. Continuing with the Jewish Encyclopedia, “In the case of murder, if the Noachid slay a child in its mother's womb… , or if he slay a man in self-defense, the Noachid is guilty of murder and must pay the death-penalty, although under the same circumstances an Israelite would not be executed” (Laws Before Sinai). Abortion is definitely off the table. So is self-defense, but only for the Righteous Gentile. Israelites do not pay the same price, because the universal laws are for Gentiles.

There is a movement occurring. It’s quietly positioning itself in the earth like a beast which has come up out of the seas of humanity and its heart beats for change. And this is the reason: “The overwhelming support Noahidism receives from Chabad is no doubt a consequence of the emphasis which the last Rebbe placed on the observation of the Noahide laws in order to spurn the coming of the Messiah in our time” (Villalonga 143). The Rebbe told his thousands of followers that obliging mankind to adhere to universal laws would quicken the coming of their Messiah. For a deeply religious sect, there is nothing on earth more important. It’s not a fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants scheme. It’s a deeply set and stringently followed mandate. And Chabad-Lubavitchers are excellent at keeping commands. This Noahide Law program is devastating for Christians, however, who have already received their Messiah. And that is the real root of the issue. Maimonides thought detests the idea of Jesus. According to the Talmud, Jesus is a blasphemer, sourcerer, and false prophet (Babylonian Talmud). One of the less explicit accusations against Him: “Maimonides writes, Jesus caused Jews to be killed and exiled, changed the Torah and led the world to worship a false God” (My Jewish Learning Admin). That accusation alone is a very big deal for religious Jews. For them, Jesus is the source of millions on earth walking in idolatry, so the world needs the Noahide Laws to fix it. To this day, Talmudic followers will not even say His name. The reason is written in layman terms on My Jewish Learning webpage: “For some Jews, the name alone is nearly synonymous with pogroms and Crusades, charges of deicide and centuries of Christian anti-Semitism” (My Jewish Learning Admin). They call Him “that man.” In countless orthodox Jewish households it is forbidden to utter the name of Jesus. “He is called a Christian who follows the false teachings of that man, who taught them to celebrate the feast on the first day of the Sabbath, that is, to worship on the first day after the Sabbath” (Concerning The Names Of Christ). While everyone has a right to his or her opinion, the Noahide Laws will never allow Jesus to be worshipped as God. In fact the second law, ‘Do not curse your Creator’ will be immediately broken by calling on the name of Jesus because Maimonides believes Jesus is accursed, as one Catholic activist details, “Since the word Jeschua means "Savior," the name Jesus rarely occurs in Jewish books. It is almost always abbreviated to Jeschu, which is maliciously taken as if it were composed of the initial letters of the three words Immach SCHemo Vezikro”May his name and memory be blotted out”(2)” (Concerning The Names Of Christ). Though this statement speaks for itself, the (2) refers to an annotated commentary which reads, ““cf. I. Buxtorf in Abbrev. Jeschu: "The Jews among themselves do not say Jeschu, but Isschu, so nearly corresponding to the words of this curse”” (Concerning The Names Of Christ).

Although the Noahide Laws have yet to be enforced, they are definitely being put into place. It may be difficult to believe, but this Code may likely come one day, and when it does, Non-Noahides will suffer intense persecution and possible execution. And while that may sound like “anti-semitic conspiracy,” as the Founder and President of America’s Tithe For Israel, (a non-profit organization established to bless Israel), I can assure you, it’s not. However, a clarion call needs to be sounded and a civilized world must oppose what will be an attempted eradication of a massive people group -- the Christians.

Works Cited

Babylonian Talmud. Sanhedrin 43a. Soncino, 1961 Edition, Come and Hear

Berkowitz, Adam. “Sanhedrin to Host Conference of 70 Nations to Take Place on Anniversary of

Creation of the World: Nations Answer Call. ” Breaking Israeli News, July 10, 2019, Accessed 28 April, 2020

Berkowitz, Adam. “Sanhedrin Invites Nikki Haley To Be Honorary President of Organization of

70 Nations.” Breaking Israeli News, December 19, 2018, Accessed 28 April, 2020

Bruno, Vincent. “Christians Under Noahide Law.” Stop Noahide Law, Accessed 28 April,

“Commission For Religious Relations With The Jews.” The Delegation of the Holy See’s

Commission For Religious Relations with the Jews and the Chief Rabbinate of Israel’s Delegation for Relations with the Catholic Church Bilateral Commission Meeting, Jerusalem, March 11-13, 2007; Adar 21-23, 5767, Accessed 28 April, 2020

“Concerning The Names Of Jesus Christ.” The Talmud Unmasked, Accessed 28 April, 2020

Debre, Isabel. “Israeli Group Honors Nikki Haley With Coin.” Associated Press, March 13, 2019

Erdstein, Baruch Emanuel. “Kabbalah: A Brief Definition.”, Accessed 8 May, 2020.

H.J.Res.104. - To designate March 26, 1991, as "Education Day, U.S.A.".

102nd Congress (1991-1992)

H.J.Res.150. - Designating April 2, 1993, as "Education and Sharing Day, U.S.A."

103rd Congress (1993-1994)

“Have The Noahide Laws Been Recognized By Any Governments?” Ask Noah, Accessed 28

April, 2020

Worldwide.” Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, December 15, 2005 Editors. “Judaism.” History, A&E Television Networks, 21 February, 2020,

Accessed 8 May, 2020

Kress, Michael. “The Modern Noahide Movement.” My Jewish Learning, Accessed 8

May, 2020

“Laws Before Sinai.” Jewish Encyclopedia, Accessed 8 May, 2020

“Minuth.” Jewish Encyclopedia, Accessed 8 May, 2020

“Maimonides.” Stanford Encyclopedia Of Philosophy, Accessed 8 May, 2020

Maltz, Judy. Hundreds of Thousands in Donations Tie Kushners and Trump to Chabad

Movement.” Haaretz, Jan 10, 2017, Accessed 8 May, 2020.

Margolin, Dovid. “Thinking About Our Children: Education Day, U.S.A. Turns 40:

Proclamation From The Whitehouse And Around The Nations Honor The Rebbe.”, March 27, 2018, Accessed 9 May, 2020

My Jewish Learning Admin. “What Do Jews Believe About Jesus?” My Jewish Learning,

Accessed 10 May, 2020

“Noahide Laws.” Encyclopedia Britannica, Accessed 8 May, 2020

Pendergrass, Drew C. “Becoming Jared Kushner.” The Harvard Crimson, Accessed 8 May, 2020

Reagan, Ronald. “National Day Of Reflection.” Proclamation 4921 of April 3,1982,

Rebbe, The. “Education Day 2018: Proclamations From All 50 States.”,

Accessed 9 May, 2020

Schulman, Michael Rabbi Dr. “The Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson.”

Noahide Academy, March 26, 2018, Accessed 8 May, 2020.

Schreckinger, Ben. “The Happy Go Lucky Jewish Group That Connects Trump And Putin.”

Politico Magazine, Accessed 8 May, 2020

Sommer, Allison Kaplan. “Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner Visit Lubavitcher Rebbe’s Grave To

Pray For Election Victory.” Haaretz, 06 November, 2020, 9:59am, Accessed 9 May, 2020

Talmud Glossary. Accessed 8 May, 2020

“The Chabad Lubavitch Movement: Filling the Jewish Vacuum Worldwide.” Jewish Center For

Public Affairs: Israeli Security, Regional Diplomacy, and International Law, Accessed 8 May, 2020

“The Seven Noahide Laws: Universal Morality.”, Accessed 30, April, 2020,

“United Noahide Academies.” Ask Noah, Accessed 8 May, 2020

“Uniting the United Nations with Seven Noahide Laws Diplomats, Delegates, and Emissaries

Gather at UN Headquarters for "One People, One World" Conference.”, Accessed 28 April, 2020

Villalonga, Patrick Joaquin. “From the Fall to the Flood and Beyond: Navigating Identity in

Contemporary Noahidism.” Master of Arts In Religious Studies Thesis, Florida International University, 2017

Other Resources



One Hundred Second Congress of the United States of America


Begun and held at the City of Washington on Thursday, the third day of January,

one thousand nine hundred and ninety-one

Joint Resolution

To designate March 26, 1991, as `Education Day, U.S.A.'.

Whereas Congress recognizes the historical tradition of ethical values and

principles which are the basis of civilized society and upon which our great

Nation was founded;

Whereas these ethical values and principles have been the bedrock of society

from the dawn of civilization, when they were known as the Seven Noahide Laws;

Whereas without these ethical values and principles the edifice of civilization

stands in serious peril of returning to chaos;

Whereas society is profoundly concerned with the recent weakening of these

principles that has resulted in crises that beleaguer and threaten the fabric

of civilized society;

Whereas the justified preoccupation with these crises must not let the citizens

of this Nation lose sight of their responsibility to transmit these historical

ethical values from our distinguished past to the generations of the future;

Whereas the Lubavitch movement has fostered and promoted these ethical values

and principles throughout the world;

Whereas Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, leader of the Lubavitch movement,

is universally respected and revered and his eighty-ninth birthday falls on

March 26, 1991;

Whereas in tribute to this great spiritual leader, `the rebbe', this, his

ninetieth year will be seen as one of `education and giving', the year in

which we turn to education and charity to return the world to the moral and

ethical values contained in the Seven Noahide Laws; and

Whereas this will be reflected in an international scroll of honor signed by

the President of the United States and other heads of state: Now, therefore,

be it

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of

America in Congress assembled, That March 26, 1991, the start of the ninetieth

year of Rabbi Menachem Schneerson, leader of the worldwide Lubavitch movement,

is designated as `Education Day, U.S.A.'. The President is requested to issue

a proclamation calling upon the people of the United States to observe such

day with appropriate ceremonies and activities.

Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Vice President of the United States and

President of the Senate.


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