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The Trinity

Updated: Jan 9, 2023

I was reading the Bible recently. Genesis 1. Verse 2. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And I saw something. I saw, as it were, our Father standing there considering the waters and while He looked, a vapor, a type of wind – like a smoke – moved out from within Him and moved before the waters. I watched the great Vapor moving and I realized that the essence of His literal Spirit came out of Him. I saw how Holy Spirit was separate, but He is also One.

Then I considered Jesus. And I realized, Jesus is Father’s Flesh nature. Jesus came forth from Father in the form of His Flesh. Not that Jesus is not His own Person, but like Holy Spirit is His own Person doing Father’s work, He came forth and yet is a part of Father. The same with Jesus.

John 14:8-10

The everlasting Father is His name! Jesus is the manifestation of Father’s Flesh nature!

We were made the same. My flesh nature is different from His Spirit nature inside of me. He made my spirit alive when He caused me to be born again. Being born again is not just a prayer or an idea. It is life of His Spirit coming to live inside of us. He birthed His own nature inside of us. We are not just men, we have that Vapor, that Wind inside of us. We may not know how to fully operate in His Wind, but it is within us nonetheless.

And when men preach and teach and women mourn and travail and when we war and proclaim the Word (Jesus), that Vapor emanates out of us and works the works of our Father. This is the Trinity operating in the sons of God.

But we all, with open face (unveiled; keeping nothing secret; keeping nothing hidden; keeping nothing concealed) beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed (metamorphosed; transformed) into the same image (like a shadow; “assumes the image from which it was drawn meaning we aren’t like Him, we are of His essence” - Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance) from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord (emphasis mine). 2 Corinthians 3:18

This is our potential and it is imperative for the Church’s wholeness to come into the knowledge of God and resist the lies. The devil has taught the congregation of holy ones that the fallen angels are the sons of God. Jezebel’s poisonous Talmudic Enochian doctrine has caused the sons of God to be diminished, fallen… infirm, bearing the odor of affliction. She is massacring sons.

Her doctrines of demons infiltrated the congregation of God, the family of God, and hijacked the truth of who we are. In an effort to abort sons, the devil targeted our wholeness and completeness. He targeted our potential to be perfected. The enemy of God stole the understanding of perfection and hid it away, telling Father’s true sons, “No one can be perfect” and so by repeating the lie over and over for generation after generation, the knowledge of His perfection in us was removed from the holy ones’ collective mindset. And now Incompleteness recites by rote the lie, “No one is perfect.” “As long as I’m in this body I’ll always sin.” “I’m just a sinner needing a Savior.” We recite the cultic narrative of the devil about who we are and who we aren’t… in vanity… our understanding darkened.

But Jesus, being torn in His Flesh, unveiled Father. Father is the wholeness of the three. The completeness. The perfection. So understanding our wholeness comes by reconciliation to our Father. He is our most exceedingly great reward. His coming to abide with us, transforming us, is the fulfillment of life on Earth as it is in Heaven.

So that is our pressing… we press for the knowledge of Father. We believe for the reconciliation (transformation) now on Earth and we believe for completeness and to be made perfect. In this our Father, the Three in One is glorified.

It’s important in these last days to understand the mystery of the Trinity. The reason for that may not mean anything to us now, but the day is coming when it will mean everything. Vipers… malignant men will at some point in the future lay upon the world the yoke of the seven Noahide Laws. The first two of these laws will be immediately “broken” by Christians; at least that will be the accusation against us. Talmudists reject Jesus Christ not understanding they are quite literally rejecting Father. They are supposedly staunch monotheists, so their Noahide Laws will require, by global governance, the world to be monotheists too, in an effort to “live in harmony”, and “for unity’s sake.” The Talmudists’ accusation against Christians is that by virtue of the Trinity, Christians are polytheists. Therefore, the death penalty will apply to those who refuse to renounce the Son. Death by decapitation, these malignant sons of perdition will proclaim, is most humane. For the sake of harmony on earth, the multitudes will, for a moment, agree. It is my belief that these laws will most likely coincide with the mark of the beast.

So… when you are faced with a Talmudist judge, you can ask them this question: “Do you have a soul? Do you have a spirit? Are you flesh? Does this make you many different people or is your soul and your flesh of your same person?” The Three in One is not polytheism no matter what the enemy of Jesus Christ says, but that truth will not stop the devil from causing many sons of God from losing our heads. We have been prepared by His Spirit though, knowing – when we lose, we win.

Revelation 20:4

Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in Heaven in perfect. Matthew 5:48

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Apr 30, 2023

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