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The Pool of Siloam

Updated: Aug 31, 2023

The Pool of Siloam

“son” - to build.

My friend, Karen, made a statement to me one day recently as we were talking about the Lord and His Word. She said, “We’re supposed to rebuild the waste places.” When she said it, something deep inside me moved. I went to my Bible to read about it.

The next day or so, I was at church, worshiping the Lord. I had bent down onto the floor because the worship was so strong and the Lord was very present. I was there for some time until I suddenly saw a vision. I was in the Kingdom of God. It was a beautiful, beautiful place of luxury. I saw a great green grassy lawn area, vast and perfectly manicured. And in the middle of that lawn, I saw a perfectly manicured pool. It was large and square and the water in the pool moved… it looked as though it was vibrating; the water was alive. I saw a stunning woman standing at the head of the pool and behind her were many stairs. The woman had beautiful dark coiffed hair and was wearing a white Grecian typed dress that showed her form was voluptuous. She looked noble. Dignified. Unshakeable. Standing and looking. Behind her were many, many rows of steps that reminded me of a pyramid, but these stairs seemed to almost be formed into the mound that was at the head of the pool. This was a picture of a place in Heaven. Not earth. It was glorious.

Then I saw a man. Weak, frail. He was lying on his side next to the pool in a fetal-type position. His clothing was sandy colored linen. He was so out of place here. Sickness was incredibly out of place here. I questioned in my mind. This is not the pool of Bethesda, is it? Then I heard in response. It is the Pool of Siloam.

When I got home I began to look in the Word of God about the Pool of Siloam. I found it mentioned in three places. John 9 in reference to the blind man, Isaiah 8:6 where the prophet states that the waters are refused and then finally in Nehemiah 3…

I was shocked to see the pool of Siloam and the stairs in the very same verse.

This fountain gate was being repaired at Nehemiah’s charge after the Babylonian captivity – the waste places were being rebuilt. So I looked deeper; I studied all the meanings of the words in Hebrew to try to see more clearly.

Fountain means eye. I remembered that from previous studies. This gate is an entrance into sight. The man re-building it is named Shallun.

Shallun means make amends. To be complete; sound. To be completed; to be friendly; to reciprocate. Shallun is a repairer of the breach. Next I looked at Shallun’s father, Colhozeh.

Colhozeh means every seer. I knew this was a corporate understanding of the prophetic – every single prophet was to be included into this repairing. These seers ruled Mizpah.

Mizpah means watchtower. The root meaning especially for military purposes (or the foundation of this place) is – to look out; spy; keep watch; to lean forward and peer into the distance; to keep the watchman.

I was discovering a theme. This whole devastated place of ruin was in direct relation to prophets, seers and watchmen. This entrance of the eye – vision. I was astounded to uncover how it all went together.

As I worshiped the next day at home, praying about the fountain gate and the pool of Siloam and the man I saw lying there, the Lord reminded me, Remember the blind man in John 9.

Yes! The miracle involving the pool of Siloam was about blindness and new vision!

The whole entirety of John chapter 9 is the story about this certain blind man. So, it has to be very important. I began to read.

When I saw that this man was born into blindness, I saw it so to speak as a man who is born into a religious system. He was born into generational doctrinal mixture. His parents didn’t sin. He didn’t sin. He was born into understanding that had been established as truth for many generations, but in fact was mixed with doctrines of men, traditions of men, doctrines of demons, ceremonial acts of religion – he was born into the religious service. This was going to be a massively huge upheaval of vision. The man was an example of one who carried within him the blindness of generations – the ruined waste places of old. And the Lord was going to repair the breach.

The blind man is a natural example of a spiritual condition.

On the one hand, this teaching is a corporate word which we'll look at in a moment. But it is also a word to us individually. Are we willing to do the work to make amends? Will we leave our gifts at the altar and go be restored to our brothers? Our sisters? Are we so hurt that we just moved on, leaving them behind? Do we struggle to see? To find our way? If we're embittered, we will justify our position. But I propose that we will begin to see everything -- naturally and spiritually -- more clearly if we can allow Jesus to touch us. Be open to Him dealing with us. We can't stubbornly be "right" and open to His correction at the same time. He will give us over to our own devices if we insist we don't need to be fixed. We must be obedient to confront our blindness before we send ourselves out to minister, so, like it or not, if we want to be Sent out by Jesus, we need our perspective healed.

This revelation is also a corporate end time teaching to the Body of Christ. The night is coming. When the night fully comes, no man will be able to do the works of the Lord. That night is near. He specifically speaks to the man that He is the light of the world.

Light in Greek means illumination; radiance; fire. The root means to bring to light; to shine.

The man needed to be illuminated. He needed the fire. So Jesus puts His DNA through His spittle onto the man’s eyes…recreating. Mankind was made of clay. Jesus recreates this man’s vision and sends him to the pool of Siloam (Sent) to wash. To have all the years of his religious ancestral forefathers’ indoctrinations cleansed from his sight.

Then again called they the man that was blind, and said unto him, Give God the praise: we know that this man is a sinner. He answered and said, Whether he be a sinner [or no], I know not: one thing I know, that, whereas I was blind, now I see. Then said they to him again, What did he to thee? how opened he thine eyes? He answered them, I have told you already, and ye did not hear: wherefore would ye hear [it] again? will ye also be his disciples? Then they reviled him, and said, Thou art his disciple; but we are Moses' disciples. We know that God spake unto Moses: [as for] this [fellow], we know not from whence he is. The man answered and said unto them, Why herein is a marvellous thing, that ye know not from whence he is, and [yet] he hath opened mine eyes. Now we know that God heareth not sinners: but if any man be a worshipper of God, and doeth his will, him he heareth. Since the world began was it not heard that any man opened the eyes of one that was born blind. If this man were not of God, he could do nothing. They answered and said unto him, Thou wast altogether born in sins, and dost thou teach us? And they cast him out. John 9:24-34

What happens? This seeing one is cast out of the synagogue of the blind. Rejected. Like Jesus. It costs him acceptance among his brothers. He no longer fits in. Now we will watch Jesus hunt him down and open up true doctrine for him.

Jesus imparts the radiance of illumination into this one who no longer fits in with the religious structures and mixed doctrines rejecting the truth of Jesus Christ. Jesus reveals Himself as Son of God.

This is massive doctrinal renovation.

Our doctrine needs to be repaired. Our perspective. The foundations of the generations are laid waste and in ruins and we have not perceived it. The builders – the sons – must walk us through the fountain gate of vision now and help us make amends and believe for completeness. We acknowledge that being born into the synagogue, or the religious system of the church, may have indoctrinated us in ways we didn’t recognize.

We were not taught that we could be made perfect, whole, complete.

Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect. Matthew 5:48

We have been and are continuing to be systematically taught that we will always be sinners even though Jesus died and rose again to take sin away.

By insisting on continually declaring ourselves sinners, we deny the work of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the devil’s Pharisee Law in us continually slapping His Face. There’s not one scripture that tells us sin will dominate us forever. In fact scripture tells us the opposite.

This sin issue may be the single most watered down teaching that has left us diminished. The Body of Christ has been taught for generations that “sin” means to miss the mark. Well, that’s only ½ the story and it minimizes the issue because the other ½ of the meaning drives home why pure doctrine is important… “Sin” means to forfeit the prize because you’ve missed the mark

So, every time a man proclaims he will always be a sinner, he is proclaiming that he’s forfeiting his prize – never coming into his spiritual inheritance on earth.

The devil’s doctrine has been incredibly effective.

And there’s much, much… much, much more. For example, we didn’t know we could ascend, even though the scriptures plainly show us the hind’s feet that dwell on her high places. We gave our spiritual life away to the New Agers. Even though He told us we are seated with Him in Heavenly places.

We need eye salve. We need Jesus DNA. We need to kneel and bless the Lord and not reject the waters (Isaiah 8). We welcome the living waters and continue to become sanctified in our vision – illuminated by His fire and begin to repair and to build the waste places of old and the desolations of many generations.

So, let Him kindle that fire by coming to know Jesus in intimate worship. Ask Him to open your eyes and heal your vision. It might take an extended season of asking, seeking and knocking, but He will answer, He will be found, He will open. And when He does….? We will start to believe Him for those things we think are impossible, starting with the transformation of our own nature. And even though this revelation burns in me, I still wrestle against my blind sinful flesh which tells me I am locked into my fallen nature forever, sin wanting to rule over me. My blind eyes only seeing sin in myself. I have been indoctrinated. But, oh how I have come to know that Jesus is in me. And I am in Him. He is the Word and His Word is Truth. And so, in natural vision -- my weakness and lack of perfection, I choose to believe for who He made me even if I don’t see it. I surrender to His living waters - this Pool of Siloam and I receive His DNA, the vision of His Holy Spirit. And I will begin to build. And I encourage you too…. build on sons of God, repairers of the breach!

His Promise


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