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The Noahide Laws

The enemies of Jesus Christ and His cross – those of the covenant of betrayal – have devised a most obscene scheme in these last days, to usher in the bondage of mankind through a set of laws our Father never ordained, but they most certainly say He did. These, they say, are the laws of Noah, otherwise known as the Noahide Laws and today’s “Sanhedrin”, (“Pharisees”) have been working very diligently to install them in order to destroy the very idea of Jesus Christ.

Now, if you have no idea what I’m talking about, or you’ve believed the deception that the laws are benign and unimportant, you have either not perceived the truth or you have not fully investigated for yourself. Let me tell you right here and right now. The Noahide Laws are meant to erase Christianity from the earth. Talmudic, Maimonides followers, Chabad Lubavitch, the sect touting the laws with the hope of bringing in their false Messiah, hate Jesus Christ. They hate Him.

The Noahide Laws are Talmudic. The Babylonian Talmud despises and vehemently rails against Jesus Christ. They refuse to say His name. They call Him that man. They say that He was born of a whore from the seed of an evil spirit, conceived while she was menstruating. That He is burning in excrement. And many more blasphemies.

The Talmudic Sanhedrin have moved to prepare the earth for these Noahide Laws, beginning with Ronald Reagan who, in 1982, initially validated the laws in the United States as a universal moral code. Then, in 1991 under the guise of establishing Education Day in honor of Chabad Lubavitch’s last Rebbe Schneerson, President G.H.W. Bush signed them into U.S. law and every President of the United States since has dutifully and ceremonially signed off on them as well. Every governor of every US state has done the same. The UN has. The Vatican has. It’s only a matter of time that the Noahide courts are established and the laws installed.

They’ll say the laws are necessary for the good of all mankind. They’ll say we can’t live together without them. They’ll say they’re good laws, which on the surface, they seem to be… in fact, they seem very similar to the ten commandments given to Moses. The infamous Georgia Guidestones may likely have alluded to the Noahide Laws with one of their prescribed inscriptions, Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.

Let’s do a Google search and see what comes up when I put Noahide Laws in the search bar (I did this search in 2021):

“What are the Noahide laws in the United States?

The Noahide Laws are actually seven commandments given to man by God, as recorded in the Old Testament. These com- mandments include prohibitions against mvirder, robbery, adultery, blasphemy, and greed, as well as the positive order to establish courts of justice.

This is our government website saying this! (I left the typo for “murder” because I just copied and pasted from the search results and I didn’t want to touch it.) First of all, they use the word “actually” which implies you’re going to hear something true you may not have known before. And they embolden the words “seven commandments given to man by God, as recorded in the Old Testament.” It is not Biblical that our Father ever gave seven commandments to Noah. He gave ten commandments to Moses, so that’s a lie.

Next, they stick the blasphemy commandment in the middle of their list so it’s easy to just cruise right past it. But it’s the most important law and is always listed first and second in every other location. Our government is hiding this fact.

Finally, they psychologically manipulate by suggesting that establishing Noahide Courts is a positive thing. Nothing could be further from the truth. This is all propaganda to prepare us to accept these so-called laws and presumptuous courts of priests attempting to rule over humanity. I know it all sounds far fetched. Ben Shapiro doesn’t think so. Neither does Dennis Prager, nor did Dr. Zelenko. Netanyahu doesn’t think it’s far-fetched. Neither, most likely, does his long time family friend, Jared Kushner. (And so many more!) Christians seem to have no clue.

Now I’m going to copy and paste from a Noahide Law website,, reading from their article entitled The 7 Noahide Laws: Universal Morality:

“The 7 Noahide Laws are rules that all of us must keep, regardless of who we are or from where we come. Without these seven things, it would be impossible for humanity to live together in harmony.

  1. Do not profane G‑d’s Oneness in any way. Acknowledge that there is a single G‑d who cares about what we are doing and desires that we take care of His world.

  2. Do not curse your Creator. No matter how angry you may be, do not take it out verbally against your Creator.

  3. Do not murder. The value of human life cannot be measured. To destroy a single human life is to destroy the entire world—because, for that person, the world has ceased to exist. It follows that by sustaining a single human life, you are sustaining an entire universe.

  4. Do not eat a limb of a living animal. Respect the life of all G‑d’s creatures. As intelligent beings, we have a duty not to cause undue pain to other creatures.

  5. Do not steal. Whatever benefits you receive in this world, make sure that none of them are at the unfair expense of someone else.

  6. Harness and channel the human libido. Incest, adultery, rape and homosexual relations are forbidden. The family unit is the foundation of human society. Sexuality is the fountain of life and so nothing is more holy than the sexual act. So, too, when abused, nothing can be more debasing and destructive to the human being.

  7. Establish courts of law and ensure justice in our world. With every small act of justice, we are restoring harmony to our world, synchronizing it with a supernal order. That is why we must keep the laws established by our government for the country’s stability and harmony.”

(In reality, the seven laws are seven general principles. They intend to add to this list.)

Kabbalists have decided it’s up to them to give the whole wide world rules that every single human alive must keep. They have determined that it is the only way for mankind to live in harmony.

Now look at laws number one and number two. They are always listed first and they are both about God, which is the crux of this whole thing. They will say that humanity needs to live in harmony, but it’s really about removing Father’s Son, our King, Jesus Christ. To the Maimonide follower, the Talmud follower, the Oneness is huge and since, from their perspective, the name of Jesus Christ must be destroyed from the earth, using this oneness is advantageous for them (forgetting the fact that Elohim is plural and Let Us make man in Our image is the true doctrine.)

Noahides are adamant that monotheism is established as the only acceptable belief on planet earth which will work perfectly for Islamists. This should also be fine for Christians because we believe in the one true living God. But the Temple Institute Sanhedrin and Chabad followers do not accept the Trinity. They do not accept the Son. And so all Christians who believe in Jesus Christ or the Trinity have broken the very first law.

Next, we have the second law. Do not curse your Creator. Well, of course Christians would never curse our Creator! But the Babylonian Talmudic Sanhedrin Pharisees consider Jesus Christ an accursed idol. The only way to not curse our Creator is in fact, to deny Jesus Christ, which will eventually be required and mandated. They will never say this up front. But it’s there… tucked away to be revealed in the fullness of time. This is why the seventh law exists: establishing the Noahide Courts.

To establish justice for all the ignorant regular people, the goy (the heathen nations of whom all, but Jews are), only a Talmudic Sanhedrin Priest/Rabbi/Pharisee, will be ordained to sit as Judge on a Noahide Court. And what will the Judges determine for the law breakers? Especially of their most important first two laws? Decapitation. Decapitation.

“The Talmud lists the punishment for blaspheming the Ineffable Name of God as death. The sons of Noah are to be executed by decapitation for most crimes, considered one of the lightest capital punishments…” (Wikipedia, Seven Laws of Noah.)

Remember… the Noahide Laws are for the goy. Not the Jews. Jews’ punishment of breaking a law will be much different – lighter sentences for the Jews just like Hammurabi’s code doled out his punishments according to class.

It turns out that the Sharia Courts and the Noahide Courts are twin brothers. They are spiritually identical. This is what the government of the world is going to install. And our own government seems to be leading the way.

This is the One World religion, the Noahide religion and it more than likely takes part in the leopard beast of the Book of Revelation. Look at the meaning of the “leopard” in the following scripture:

“Nimrod”, the great architect of Babel, has been translated and referenced with leopards. The one whose blood supposedly runs through the veins of vain men clothed with the aprons of secret societies. Unclean priests. Wicked spirits moving through men in high places. They are the most based among us. We wrongly give them the unearned title of “elite.” The elect say, No.

The meaning of “leopard” according to Thayer's Greek Lexicon: “STRONGS NT 3917a: to sit beside, attend constantly…to perform the duties pertaining to the offering of sacrifices and incense (to wait upon), 1 Corinthians 9:13….”

This definition references 1 Corinthians 9:13, so let’s see what the scripture says:

They which wait at the altar. To perform the duties pertaining to the offering of sacrifices and incense. The leopard is a priest. He’s a priest with a lion mouth and dragon power – he is not the priest of the Lord. The leopard is a mystery of iniquity priest offering sacrifices… waiting at the altar of the devil.

Now, my dear brothers and sisters, if you want to stick your head in the sand and tell yourself that nothing will ever come of these Noahide Laws, then you will be deceiving yourself. And the countless others you could have warned. We cannot continue to choose ignorance. We cannot be Ahab and tolerate Jezebel while she conspires to kill off the prophets and priests of the Lord Jesus. Jezebel was the queen of Israel. Not Egypt or Babylon. This is her work. This is the diabolical, most evil work of her dragon father. The Babylonian Talmud will somehow connect its laws to the mark of the beast. Whether it’s through ID2020 or the Trust Stamp / Quantum Dot tattoos, however it manifests through some future generation’s digital tattoo or AI implant, I believe that they will merge.

I’m going to say Zionism here. But I’m not talking about our Father’s people and their beautiful land which we love and embrace. This Noahide movement, however, is a Talmudic spirit behind the unclean Zionism of the earth today and it’s all intermingled with Freemasonry. Yes, the Noachide is fully Freemason.

"Noachidae, Noachites. The descendents of Noah. A term applied to Freemasons. Noah having alone preserved the true name and worship of God, amid a race of impious idolaters. Freemasons claim to be his descendents, because they still preserve that pure religion which distinguished this second father of the human race from the rest of the world. And even when his descendents began again, in the plains of Shinar, to forget the Almighty, and to wander from the path of purity, the principles of Noah were still perpetuated by that portion of his race whom the Freemasons of the present day regard as their early predecessors. Hence, Freemasons call themselves Noachidae, or the sons of Noah." (The bold emphasis is mine.)

- (Mackey, Lexicon of Freemasonry, page 324, 2004, Barnes and Noble Publishing, Inc.), Retrieved 02/29/2020 From:


In the Krause MS., under the head of " The Laws or Obligations laid before his Brother Masons by Prince Edwin," we find the fol- lowing article…" The first obligation is that you shall sincerely honor God and obey the laws of the Noachites, because they are divine laws, which should be obeyed by all the world. Therefore, you must avoid all heresies and not thereby sin against God." (The emphasis is mine.)

- "The history of Freemasonry" by Mackey, Albert Gallatin, Retrieved 02/29/2020 From:

According to 33rd degree and highly revered Mason, Albert Mackey, Noachide is not only a term applied to Freemasons, but their very identity. And he wrote the Lexicon of Freemasonry, so I think we can take him at his word.

Aimé Pallière was a devout Godly man who was going to be a Catholic priest. He recounts what he was taught by Elijah Benamozegh, whom he calls “the master” in his book endorsed by the Noahide movement, published in 1928 called The Unknown Sanctuary: A Pilgrimage From Rome To Israel. The master speaks: “It is the Noahchides themselves who make up the faithful, the members of the true Catholic Church of which Israel is the priest… what would I, a Jew be, if you who are not a Jew, were not here as a faithful member of the great Church of God in whose services I find myself placed?”

Israel is the priest of the Catholic Church? Did you know that?

And then we have the clincher quote from Elijah Benamozegh as he writes to teach Pallière:

“As to the person of Jesus of whom you do not speak, I tell you nevertheless, because it is important and because possibly the question is most legitimately at the bottom of your thoughts, that on condition that divinity be not attributed to him, there would be no reason whatever not to make of him a prophet, to consider him a man charged by God with an august religious mission, without because of this altering any part of the ancient word of God, and without abolishing for the Jews the Mosaic Law, as his disciples pretended to do, thus misrepresenting his explicit teachings. See Matthew V, 17-19*” (The bold emphasis is mine.)

Benamozegh so condescendingly assumes that Jesus is legitimately at the bottom of Pallière’s thoughts. He slides that in there as a form of flattery and as a form of manipulation and domination – what we know as witchcraft. “He is not worthy of your thoughts,” he is saying. “Jesus is not God,” he is saying… Do Not Attribute Divinity To Jesus. Benamozegh literally informs Pallière what he may and may not make of Jesus Christ. All Noahide judges will do the same.

The master, in his book, also tells Pallière that Jews exist to lead and guide the unJewish world. He teaches that the Jews exist as a priesthood over all humanity – the laymen. And their way to govern is through Noahide laws and courts.

The judgments of these courts deem themselves as the final word. The ones capable, with the studied and God-given blessing of insight to steer the less fortunate, spiritually lacking masses of humanity. They are prepared to take on their burdensome task. It’s the price they’ll pay to fulfill their God-breathed, ancient status of being chosen. They didn’t ask for it. But they were born for it. And they’ve tucked themselves away for centuries studying every jot and tittle of Talmudic law. This is the take away from Aimé’s account of his spiritual journey to what he believed to be truth as he walked away from Jesus’s divinity as God and embraced Talmudic Zionism in its deceptive, seemingly (but not) palpable form, called Noahidism.

So, I’ve tried to make the case so you can see. I cannot bear to not use every opportunity I can to convey the coming kingdom’s laws and punishments to my people. The Lord’s people. The followers of Jesus Christ.

There will be a world government. We may already have a few likely heads in place. The World Economic Forum; the World Trade Organization; the World Health Organization; the World Bank Organization are a few. Don’t forget the overarching UN, although Chabad has moved to start their own Organization of Seventy Nations. Their first meeting was held in Jerusalem in 2019. They discussed the Noahide Laws.

This is called a One World Order. It will eventually include AI and the hybrid transman (the feet and toes of Nebuchadnezzar’s image noted in the Book of Daniel.) It will include the mark of the beast. And it will all be established on a bold faced lie that Noah was given a bunch of laws and that these laws were behind his covenant with our Father and that we need courts to keep the population of the world in check. It might be the covenant which is confirmed, talked about in Daniel. But there is not one chapter or verse showing that Noah’s covenant sealed with the Lord’s rainbow (the Noahide logo) was ever about laws. It is one hundred percent fabricated.

They will try to say it was hidden in the understanding of the Garden of Eden. They will say that Kabbalah understands what we spiritual degenerates don’t. Understand this. The Talmud wants to reign over the earth. The satanic spirit of Jezebel wants to be King. And many of us will lose our heads before the whole mess is over. Count it a privilege. May the Lord grant us all courage.

Sourcing for the Noahide Laws

Ronald Reagan, National Day of Reflection, 1982

“… One shining example for people of all faiths of what education ought to be is that provided by the Lubavitch movement, headed by Rabbi Menachem Schneerson, a worldwide spiritual leader who will celebrate his 80th birthday on April 4, 1982. The Lubavitcher Rebbe's work stands as a reminder that knowledge is an unworthy goal unless it is accompanied by moral and spiritual wisdom and understanding. He has provided a vivid example of the eternal validity of the Seven Noahide Laws, a moral code for all of us regardless of religious faith.

1991, * Public Law 102-14 102d Congress

PUBLIC LAW 102-14—MAR. 20, 1991 Public Law 102-14 102d Congress Joint Resolution Mar. 20, 1991 [H.J. Res. 104] To designate March 26, 1991, as "Education Day, U.S.A.". Whereas Congress recognizes the historical tradition of ethical values and principles which are the basis of civilized society and upon which our great Nation was founded; Whereas these ethical values and principles have been the bedrock of society from the dawn of civilization, when they were known as the Seven Noahide Laws; Whereas without these ethical values and principles the edifice of civilization stands in serious peril of returning to chaos; Whereas society is profoundly concerned with the recent weakening of these principles that has resulted in crises that beleaguer and threaten the fabric of civilized society; Whereas the justified preoccupation with these crises must not let the citizens of this Nation lose sight of their responsibility to transmit these historical ethical values from our distinguished past to the generations of the future; Whereas the Lubavitch movement has fostered and promoted these ethical values and principles throughout the world; Whereas Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, leader of the Lubavitch movement, is universally respected and revered and his eighty-ninth birthday falls on March 26,1991; Whereas in tribute to this great spiritual leader, "the rebbe", this, his ninetieth year will be seen as one of "education and giving", the year in which we turn to education and charity to return the world to the moral and ethical values contained in the Seven Noahide Laws; and Whereas this will be reflected in an international scroll of honor signed by the President of the United States and other heads of state: Now, therefore, be it Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That March 26, 1991, the start of the ninetieth year of Rabbi Menachem Schneerson, leader of the worldwide Lubavitch movement, is designated as "Education Day, U.S.A.". The President is requested to issue a proclamation calling upon the people of the United States to observe such day with appropriate ceremonies and activities. Approved March 20, 1991.


“Uniting the Nations with Seven Noahide Laws” from One People One World Conference


1738 Constitution of Freemasonry

First of the Old Charges in the Book of Constitutions, edit., 1738. "A Mason is obliged by his tenure to ob- serve the moral law, as a true Noachida ; and if he rightly understands the Graft, he will never be a stupid Atheist, nor an irre- ligious libertine, nor ad against conscience.

Source: An Encyclopedia Of Freemasonry 1916 Vol 1 - A G Mackey, Retrieved 02/29/2020 From:

The Vatican

God has created the human person as a social being which by definition places limits on individual human freedom. Moreover freedom of choice is derived from God and therefore is not absolute, but must reflect Divine will and law. Accordingly human beings are called to freely obey the Divine will as manifested in the Creation and in His revealed word.

Jewish tradition emphasizes the Noachide Covenant (cf. Gn 9: 9-12) as containing. the universal moral code which is incumbent on all humanity. This idea is reflected in Christian Scripture in the Book of Acts 15: 28-29, The Vatican (2007). COMMISSION FOR RELIGIOUS RELATIONS WITH THE JEWS. THE DELEGATION OF THE HOLY SEE’S COMMISSION FOR RELIGIOUS RELATIONS WITH THE JEWS AND THE CHIEF RABBINATE OF ISRAEL’S DELEGATION FOR RELATIONS WITH THE CATHOLIC CHURCH BILATERAL COMMISSION MEETING. Jerusalem, March 11-13, 2007; Adar 21-23, 5767. Retrieved 09/28/2020 from:

Nimrod meaning.

The meaning of Nimr is “the leopard,” and rod means “to subdue.” Therefor[e], Nimrod either means the “leopard who subdues” or the “leopard tamer.” In Hebrew, Nimrod signifies spotted. He is often depicted in wearing a garment of a leopard.

Ben Shapiro

(video) explaining Noahide Laws on The Rubin Report

Why Christianity is Good for America, Part II

Dennis Prager

Organization of Seventy Nations

Pallière, Aimé. The Unknown Sanctuary: A Pilgrimage From Rome To Israel, 1928 Bloch Publishing Company

Stop Noahide Law Blogspot. Great source for information on the Noahide Laws and where I retrieved much of the information above.

A few Talmudic teachings about Jesus.

“'My daughter, if you will answer truthfully what I am going to ask you, I promise that you will be saved in the next life.' She demanded that he would swear to keep his promise, and Rabbi Akibah did so—but with his lips only, for in his heart he invalidated his oath. Then he said: 'Tell me, what kind of son is this of yours'? To which she replied: 'The day I was married I was having menstruation, and because of this my husband left me. But an evil spirit came and slept with me and from this intercourse my son was born to me.' Thus it was proved that this young man was not only illegitimate but also conceived during the menstruation of his mother.”

That the Jews understand this story to refer to Jesus and his mother, Mary, is clearly demonstrated in their book Toldath Jeschu—'The Generations of Jesus'where the birth of our Savior is narrated in almost the same words.(4)

(4) cf. Synag. Jud. Chap. VIII, p. 133.

Furthermore, "In the secret books, which are not permitted to fall easily into the hands of Christians, they say that the soul of Esau came into Christ, that he was therefore evil and that he was Esau himself."(17)

(17) Synag. Judaica, p. 217; cf. also Buxtorf, Lexicon in verbo Jeschu.

The book Zohar, III, (282), tells us that Jesus died like a beast and was buried in that "dirt heap...where they throw the dead bodies of dogs and asses, and where the sons of Esau [the Christians] and of Ismael [the Turks], also Jesus and Mahommed, uncircumcized and unclean like dead dogs, are buried."(25)

(25) In the book Synag. Judaica, (Ch. III, p. 75) is the following: 'He who cuts himself off [namely, who does not believe blindly in the Rabbinical teachings] will suffer the tortures of the damned, as is decreed in the Talmudic law of punishment in the Tract de Repudiis (Gitt. c5): He who despises the words of the wise men shall be cast into the dirt heap with the damned." I shudder to repeat that they blasphemously narrate that our Saviour Jesus Christ, whose name be forever blessed, suffered this penalty by being cast into Gehenna, although it is contrary to the traditions and teaching of the Fathers of the Church...

In Orach Chaiim, 113,8:

"If a Jew when praying should meet a Christian [Akum] carrying a star [a crucifix] in his hand, even if he has come to a place in his prayer where it is necessary to bow down to worship God in his heart, he must not do so lest he should seem to bow down before an image."

In Iore Dea, 141, 1, Hagah, it says:

"The image of a cross, before which they bow down, is to be treated as an idol, and it is not to be used until it is destroyed. However, a 'warp and woof' if hung around the neck as a souvenir is not to be regarded as an idol and can be used."

Maimonides in Hilkoth Maakhaloth (ch. IX) says:

"It is not permitted to drink the wine of a stranger who becomes a convert,(43) that is, one who accepts the seven precepts of Noah, but is permitted to gain some benefit from it. It is allowed to leave wine alone with him, but not to place it before him. The same is permitted in the case of all gentiles who are not idolaters, such as the Turks [Ismaelites]. A Jew, however, is not permitted to drink their wine, although he may use it to his own advantage. All the best known Rabbis agree on this. But since Christians are idolaters, it is not allowed even to use their wine to advantage."

(43) There are two kinds of Jewish converts; some are called Gere Tsedekh, converts to justice, who embrace the Jewish religion and accept the whole law of Moses, not for external reasons only, but for the glory of God and for the sake of true religion; others are called Gere Toschabh, convert strangers, who are neither circumcized nor baptized, and who observe only certain laws, namely those given to the sons of Noah, which are: (1) Justice; (2) Praise of God; (3) Shunning idolatry; (4) about fornication; (5) the shedding of blood; (6) Rape; (7) not touching an animal's organ. Vide, Sanhed, 56a.

… in Iore Dea (153,2):

"An Israelite must not associate himself with the Akum [Christians] because they are given to the shedding of blood."

All Talmud references above were retrieved from 07/08/2022.

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Apr 30, 2023

This is a Carnally Minded AI doctrine./ ETERNITY CONSCIOUSNESS



HE SAID / Following me you know the WAY/ My Sheep Hear my Voice.

JESUS is LIVE/ NOW / meaning we hear his VOICE LIVE.

Not an echo from the past.

JESUS is an ETERNAL PERSON/ he has something New to Say morning by morning, since he is Alive forever more, there is No End to hearing New things from JESUS the ETERNAL ONE.

JESUS talks to his Friends/ LIVE

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