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The Lion of the Tribe of Judah and the Congregation in the sides of the Mountain of the North

Updated: Feb 17

If you haven’t read The Lion of the Tribe of Judah, I suggest you read it first because this is a continuation of learning about the Prevailing One, the Lion of Fire. I spent many months with Him in a great cavern that initially I walked into from inside Father’s being. I met Jesus as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah but I saw that His whole head, from about His shoulders upward, was flaming fire. Now continuing onward…

Jesus (as the Lion of Fire) walked me deeper into the cavern. It was like a cave with a very high ceiling - the height I could not truly perceive. I looked where He was taking me and saw several round pools in the ground that one would think contained water, but these pools contained fire - round holes of fire. I thought to myself, Is there any such thing as a fire pool?

As I looked at one of the pools of fire, I found myself being immersed into it. Jesus stood there on the side of the pool until I was under the fire in this round type of underground pool. Then He sat at the side of the pool and we remained like this for several months. Every time I went into worship I saw myself, there in the dark cave immersed in fire. My mind questioned, Am I going to go through something terrible? Am I going to be tremendously tested? But each time I questioned, I kept hearing Baptism of Fire. 

I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he [Jesus] that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire: Matthew 3:11

I am convinced there is another baptism. The fire baptism causes us to come into Oneness with the Prevailing One; the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. The One known in the end of days - the Book of Revelation. This is an endtime Word. And there, we become Ariel - Lioness of God.

Isaiah 29 is the only place we can read about the obscure understanding of the Lioness. It begins with the Lord rebuking her and truthfully it’s pretty scary. 

I don’t know if the Lord took me through a prophetic type of this… maybe He was rebuking me even though His love was toward me… but I remained in that pool for a long time until one day I was out. I went from weeks and weeks underground in that fire pool to suddenly I was just out. 

When I eventually came out of the fire pool I saw myself and the Lion mesh together into one being there on the side of the pool… We intermingled in a type of what I considered to be a spiritual consummation. We became one. This lasted for a few days until I no longer saw Him. He was gone.

I stood on the side of the pool of fire I had been in and saw that around me was a whole fluorescent world of plants and a waterfall of electric blue water, but I only got a glimpse and though I knew it was there I could no longer see anything but a type of dark cavernous place. I remained like this for weeks, alone, so I just worshiped. I didn’t move, I just sang to the Lord, each time going into prayer, I just sang. Then one day…

I saw that I was at the side of the Mountain of the North. I had been taken here briefly one time before but now here I was again. My friends and I were visiting our dear sister Teri in Florida, and as the four of us sang to the Lord, I had a vision of us dancing in unison there at the foot of the mountain. Later when I was home, alone in prayer, I found myself climbing. I did not do this consciously - in fact I was a little upset that maybe I was being presumptuous and I rebuked myself a little - but I never ever make myself do anything in prayer. I just watch like a movie. I do not make myself go places, I just find myself in places. So I waited.

There I was, just short of being at the top of the mountain and I saw Him. I saw Holy Spirit.

The snow capped mountain ranges in our beautiful earth are a type of the most holy place in the Kingdom of God. At least that’s what I think. I have now spent months at this Mountain of the North and have found that it is a place of darkness and dread. I don’t perceive the sun here; the mountain dwells in a type of grayish hues of almost a feeling of a lonely night. The only light is there at the top of this mountain in what would at first seem like snow that is alive. Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit here, manifests to me as a glowing substance that I consider to be like a plasma type material that resembles snow. Alive light. 

Being here near the top I at first felt real fear. Unclean. I wanted to run away, but I didn’t dare say no to Holy Spirit. I realized I have never really known Holy Spirit as a Person. And now being here confronted with being this close to Him I felt extremely unworthy. I just stood there for the longest time thinking I wanted to leave. I wanted to go sit on the couch and watch a cooking show. I wanted to go make dinner or wash clothes. Do chores. Anything but be here this vulnerable to His Holiness. And I was embarrassed that at the core of me I did not want to be near such Holiness. I myself am not holy. But I want to be. I want to want Him. So I stayed. 

Week after week I stayed. I lingered. I waited. Then one day, that Substance neared itself to me and touched me. It began to mesh into my hand and arm and as I watched, I realized I need Holy Spirit for any type of ministry. I must have Him! I began to feel urged in my inner man to call on Him for help in prayer.  I can not do life without this Presence!

Then one day as I felt extremely concerned about having His help in prayer, I just went underneath His substance like a covering. From that time forward I put myself under His covering over and over, especially when I felt vulnerable or unable. Then I began hearing the word Pavilion. There is the Pavilion of the Bride Groom I have seen with Jesus there in the Kingdom, but this Mountain of the North is His Holy Pavilion - His Holy Habitation. Then something so incredible happened. I was worshiping Holy Spirit in this place and I saw that He was Father. I cried and cried and cried. Sensing Father in His Holy Hill. And I felt a loneliness here… Until He showed me His  Congregation.

I saw myself inside the Mountain of His Pavilion. I looked up around me and saw blueish, slick ice-like walls that jutted upward to create a type of Hall. I walked a little way into an area that had a huge U shaped table in this massive Hall and people sitting and banqueting. One of the people turned and looked at me as though I had intruded although he did not seem displeased. I knew this was a secret place. An invitation only place of Hidden Ones. Everyone looked like a type of man but there was no real gender. Each person had shoulder-length hair of shining, glistening silver. Their faces were also shining silver as were their garments of clothing. Shining, glistening silvery people from head to toe. They looked exactly alike yet each one had very distinct facial features. So they looked exactly alike yet uniquely themselves at the same time.

And they were happy, happy. They deeply loved each other. 

No wonder the devil wants this place! It is literally the seat of Holy Spirit and these Hidden Ones are true and one and fulfilled and utterly joyful and complete. Oh how the devil would love to sit as Holy Spirit and influence Father’s sons made perfect. These sons are warriors against deception. The devil will never have this place.

Congregation means appointed time. I believe we have an appointed time to come here and partake with this incredible congregation in the sides of the North. We may even - in a sense - be occupying this place now in the Spirit although it seems to me that not every person can come here. I can’t really speak to that yet, but it seems it is the many are called, few are chosen place. I don’t know if I will ever be a real part of this congregation but oh how I want to be!

I was only with these people one time in prayer. Then I saw myself back with Holy Spirit near the top of this mountain. And I heard Him say, Look up Pavilion. 

Pavilion: Hebrew word sukkah: a thicket; a booth; a lair from the Root word sok: a lair; a covert; a den.

I saw “lair” in the meaning of the word for Pavilion so I looked up the scriptures associated with Pavilion/lair…

The Lord roars from on high. The Lion of the Tribe of Judah roars from His Holy Habitation! He forsakes His lair as the Lion… The Fiery Lion I met deep in the cavern took me up to His lair! This place where the Holy Spirit dwells and sits on the top of the mountain is the lair of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. First He put me into His sanctifying; empowering Baptism of Fire and Consummation, then He took me up to His Holy Habitation - His Pavilion - His Lion’s Den.

Wow. Wow. Wow. Absolutely incredible. And in the sides of this Mountain of the North - His Holy Habitation we come to know Holy Spirit. And here I have remained for some time… although…

I sense an understanding coming. A fresh prophetic look at the Feast of Tabernacles. And so I’ll worship - and wait - and search out His Word…


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