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Releasing Barabbas

Updated: Apr 9

Luke 23:18-19

So after they had gathered, Pilate said to them, “Whom do you want me to release for you, 

Jesus Barabbas or Jesus who is called the Messiah?” Matthew 27:17 (NIV; CEV; GNT; ABV; NRSV)

“Barabbas” - Of Chaldee origin (dikaiosis and Abba); son of Abba (son of father); Bar-abbas, an Israelite

Dikaiosis - The act of pronouncing righteous; acquittal; justification.

Let’s see what HELPS Word Studies ( has to say about this justification that we find in Barabbas’s name: Cognate: 1347 dikaíōsis (a feminine noun derived from 1344 /dikaióō, "to approve, justify") – justification (divine approval), emphasizing Christ's full payment of the debt for sin which liberates the believer from all divine condemnation. See 1343 (dikaiosynē).

How absolutely astonishing. 

There stood two men…

Two men named Jesus. Two men named Jesus, son of the (F)ather. Both for Justification! There to take down the darkness of the occupiers of the Holy Land. 

Jesus Barabbas, son of father, does it by insurrection. He’s a revolutionary moving in indignation and passion against the false gods of the Romans. He’s fighting for God! He’s uprooting evil out of the land promised to his father Abraham! 

The other Jesus, Messiah, Son of God brings justification by laying down Himself, taking on our revolutionary ways and making a Way for salvation for more than just the Holy Land, but for all the nations of the earth, including the occupiers of the Holy Land. 

So, when the two Jesus, sons of (F)ather are made to stand before the people, the indoctrination of the priesthood compels the crowd they rule over to release the justification of man. The righteous indignation of man. The justifiable anger and zeal of man! How dare the Roman goy occupy their land! It was given to them by covenant, right? But more than that, we know they were envious of miracle working, innocent Jesus Christ.

They had no understanding of the Seed. The One for whom the covenant was made - the One to whom the promises were given.

It’s exactly the same today, except it is the Christians who are clamoring for Barabbas to be released. It is the Christians who are cheering Barabbas on to victory - even financing his extermination pogrom. The Sanhedrin doctrine has filtered down through the generations, infiltrating Jesus’s doctrine of Liberty and Grace as an entire Western Christian culture shouts - WAR!!! 

We threw away the True Son of Father’s teachings on the Mount of Olives and His beatitudes. We threw out Ephesians 6. We justify why they should all die. The enemy hides behind children, so of course we should kill the children! It’s justified! So what if we killed a few Christian brothers and sisters, it’s the enemy’s fault! It’s collateral damage. 

My brothers and sisters, why have we cast aside the CROSS? We have become indoctrinated by the same Sanhedrin - Temple Institute - Chabad Noahichides. And we have lost our way.

We are being dominated by a brother we have not understood. We call him Jacob. He calls us Abimelech/Esau/Edom. He truly believes God hates us. One day, his warfare will be turned toward us. Already, religious leaders are suggesting a new Bible be published with trigger warnings for anti-Semitism. They will one day ban the New Testament. And they’ll try to do it in America. It will be called hate speech. It will be called anti-Semitic. It doesn’t matter that those accusations come from Japheth and not Shem. 

I can love America and not be in agreement with a whole lot that the American government does. My disagreement is not a curse. It’s a disagreement. I can love my child and hate my child’s decisions. It doesn’t mean I curse my child. I can love my nation and hate its decisions. And I can love Israel and hate its decisions. 

I don’t buy that Israel’s iron dome happened to be down. Or that there was an intelligence failure. I don’t buy any of the stories we were told about October 7th. But I do think there’s a talmudic doctrine that wants the land; that wants the extermination of the sub-human goy; that wants the gas and the billions of dollars it will bring in and I believe Christians have blood on our hands, like the fever pitched crowd when Jesus Christ stood before them as they shouted, “Let His blood be on us and on our children.” 

Christians have released Barabbas. And we have fully funded his ethnic cleansing operation - paying for him to march. We’ve cheered him on to kill. 

He’s indignant. He’s moving in justification of “defending himself.” And he’s using The Gospel to murder. He named his new Artificial Intelligence platform “The Gospel”, proudly calling it a mass assassination weapon.

Yes, I will always pray for and honor the place of Jesus Christ's home. The land of my father Abraham. And I will respect the sons of Shem and Eber. But I break all agreement with his weapons of warfare and his doctrine that has despised his Messiah throughout the generations. I reject the release of Barabbas and his mockery of Christianity by naming his mass assassination weapon The Gospel. Where is the outcry from my people?

There is no outcry, there is only a cultish fervor to follow the self-righteous justification of man - Barabbas - wherever he goes, even when he goes into sin.

Father, have mercy on us.


Fenton-Harvey, Jonathan, December 13, 2023 The Gospel: Israel's controversial AI used in the Gaza war , retrieved 04/09/2024


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