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What On Earth Is Going On?

Updated: Oct 26, 2021

The War Over The Lord’s Inheritance

I’m assuming -- I’m hoping that most Christians by now are awake. We’ve spent decades behind the walls of our churches leaning in to Jesus. We’ve worshiped Him, studied His Word, received countless hours of ministry through Pastors, Prophets and Teachers, and, for better or for worse, have largely become a cohesive community of Believers. Then life on the outside got really strange. We emerged from behind our walls, bleary eyed and shocked. What on earth happened? It was in the works all along, and many before us understood. We latecomers only began learning about it within the last five years: the enemy’s plan…

The Depopulation Agenda.

It sounds science-fictiony, I know. But it’s time we understand that the enemy of our souls wants to enslave the world and he, as a great soul trafficker, is on the rampage to take it. He doesn’t just want to rule, he’s planning his own end time harvest of souls in direct counterfeit to Jesus’s end time harvest.

In Matthew we find the Parable of the Wicked Tenant. Here are the first few verses: *

The Lord is showing us this end time war.

Most people are aware of Abram’s covenant and promise of inheritance for his descendents (Gen 15:17-19). On the surface, it was about land, which to this day is being fought over -- Canan. It’s the land pride will never believe for, but it’s the place humility inherits and by faith, dispossesses to possess (the new wine). We also know the covenant was about more than land. It was about a people becoming God’s. And He theirs.

Our Father created a most spectacular Earth. Then He promised it to His only begotten Son as an inheritance, much like He promised Canan to Abram. Jesus’s promise of inheritance is found in Psalm 2:7-8.

This is the inheritance that the devil is on the march to take. He wants Earth and he wants to abduct mankinds’ souls into hell. The net has been spread. The Lord’s inheritance is being seized.

There are great atrocities planned as the devil drives forward toward his own ingathering. He, like an insane lion trembling with an untameable, insatiable, unearthly passion to ravish cannot be reasoned with. His great envy is consuming him to steal masses of propagandized, mind-controlled humanity into his pit. In the end, he will brand these masses with his AI Mark which will literally alter the humanness from their humanity. It’s why those who receive this final Mark of Initiation into his Luciferian Society cannot be redeemed.

The devil lusts to be the patriarch of his own heritage of trans-man. This ungodly heritage is the mingling of iron and clay. The golden head of Babylon started a clock that is running out. Jesus was born into the iron legs; we have now entered the toes of Nebuchadnezzar’s image (Daniel 2).

There is a lot of information about the enemy’s Depopulation (harvest) Agenda. I’m not an expert researcher, but some of the information I have learned over the past few years, I will begin to share in upcoming blogs to break it down just a little bit.

Until next time… Hold the line, keep the faith!

*I was watching TruNews when Rick Wiles shared about the inheritance in this parable. I bore witness to what the Holy Spirit showed him, so I studied it out for myself. Revelation began to pour forth as I did. Although there are some views to which I do not subscribe, a hearty Thank You to Rick for your faithfulness to daily put your life on the line to share truth.


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