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A New Pharaoh

Updated: Jan 9, 2023

We have come into a new era. Joseph, the man of increase, like Naboth with his vineyard, is gone. He was raised up to a place of favor and leadership in Egypt (representing the world) but after many years his people were eventually bound into affliction. And our above scripture tells us why. A new Pharaoh who did not know Joseph arose.

Joseph was the dreamer; the one with the coat of many colors. We know his story… he was stripped of his coat and delivered to the Ishmaelites - the law - by his brothers. The Ishamaelites took him into Egypt and sold him there as a slave. So this is the first thing…

Chritianity was birthed by our Father through Jesus Christ. And it received a mantle, an anointing of many colors, like the rainbow emanating from King Jesus’s throne in Heaven. (It emanates from sons of God too!) But brothers stripped off the coat of the New Covenant and eventually sold Christianity under the law. They tore down the prophetic dreamer brother. They ripped up his mantle and smeared it with animal blood. And they lied about the condition of their own hearts to their Father.

Religion became the principal thing. Hagar, mount Sinai, bound Christianity and sold it to the world as a bondservant. And in different places in certain seasons, it was put into the prison houses. (Martyrdom has been occurring since the very first completed Christian Jews and has continued and will continue until the end of days. But, for this understanding, the focus will be more toward the typical Westernized modern church.)

We’ve gone through a long season where the spirit of the world was largely content for Christianity to thrive. We evangelized. We multiplied.

But from the grandaddies of Word of Faith and Prosperity to the partying cliques of Prophets to today’s new Religious Hipsters espousing Humanism’s super cool social justice of the Live and Let Live! philosophies of man, we fell. We fell away from true Jesus. True holiness. True personal Cross. True sacrificed life by the Spirit. We were not transformed by beholding Him. Instead, we conformed to what we saw with our natural eyes, the spirit of the world.

Now a new Pharaoh has arisen. He hasn’t known us in our holiness. He’s known us in our skinny jeans. He’s known us with our fleet of airplanes. He’s seen our mansions. He sees that we’re tax evaders and that we’ve found a way to take millions from the sick we’ve prayed for. Our beauty has faded and we’ve become like the grass…

This story is not about our compromise though. It’s not about our shame. It’s about a timing in the earth that has enthroned a new king of Egypt.

If I were to write right now about the ones embodying a Pharaoh Spirit, it would be as dastardly as revealing that there were some Jews funding the Holocaust. The ones taken into bondage took with them something that broke out in the camp of the golden calf. It was a world religious system that they grew up with. And Jeroboam caused Dan and Bethel to follow suit and it went right on into the Babylonian captivity where the two mixed… Babylon and Egypt. And books were written. Ancient sages decided to expound on the Holy Word of God. Societies formed like self-assembling nanobots.

Babylon took Egypt and a spiritual hybrid was created, becoming today’s ancient, yet modern mystical offshoot of religion and philosophies, forming a great house of Cabal. Freemasonry. Jesuit societies of iniquity. Illuminati. Theosophy. Talmudism. Enochianism. Communism. Fascism. Feudalism. Satanism. It all mixed and has become a chimeric beast of heads and horns and crowns.

Pharaoh considers himself a god and issues out edicts and he leans on magic and divination to conquer mankind. “Pharaoh” means Great House. So this is the great House of the Devil, House of Cabal, the light of Freemasonry. Pharaoh’s magicians are hard at work divining with a mixture of Babylonian/Egyptian dark arts, to rule a people that were always meant to be free. They were born free. Christians are born into Liberty by the Son of Liberty, the Son of God.

But today’s Pharaoh has decided that it’s time to deal wisely with us lest we multiply and it come to pass, that where there falleth any war, they join also unto our enemies, and fight against us

So this Pharaoh, the spirit of the world, held a conference with his people. The banking guys. The state media guys. The intelligence guys. The political guys. And the billionaire/trillionaire business guys. Even some state religious guys. And they in their wisdom decided to set taskmasters over us to afflict us with their burdens.

The word “taskmaster” in this scripture means a labor force but it also means: to faint. And the root? To melt, to liquify, to dissolve, to waste with disease, discourage. And the word “afflict” in this scripture means: to defile, to depress.

And what was Pharaoh’s burden of affliction for the people of God? The building of his treasure cities. Slaves own nothing. They exist for the sole purpose of building up more treasure for Pharaoh. Always more treasure for Pharaoh. Pharaoh says, “You will own nothing and be happy.” We will own nothing because Pharaoh will own it all.

And today’s Pharaoh is shrewd. He dangles the carrot of happiness. His metaverse awaits for the masses to melt into offering humanity a life of avatars – a better you – to live and work and play. (Go to the end of this blog for a few notes on VIVERSE.)

This is the House of Cabal’s vision! This is what they all got together to offer mankind. Another world.. A world of pretend. Smart cities. Little bitty smart houses. No land ownership. No car ownership. Work from home from your pod. Your little cell. The new world will be The Truman Show. And the Architect of the new world is satan. He’ll stand in the doorway up high above in the first blue firmament and he’ll watch over his new world.

Christianity grieves the House of Cabal. Look at this word “grieve”: to feel a loathing; abhorrence; sickening dread; to be disgusted or anxious. The luciferian brotherhood has been trying to hide this fact for a very long time, but we are at a time when their veils are coming off and their hearts are revealed. They hate Jesus. They hate Him. That means they hate us. This is at the root of the new world. The hatred of Jesus Christ and His sons.

The age of aquarius is a golden age for the carnal. It is utopia for the so-called elite. But for the masses, especially the sons of God following Jesus, the new world is a dystopian design. The architect's blueprints have cordoned off tiny regions of the planet for which the Christian slaves can live. They don’t want you owning land – especially near the ocean. They will cut off access to flight. They will cut off access to meat. They will cut off access to freely buy and sell unless you dutifully supply your digital code and your social score is acceptable. They will cut off access to due process. They will cut off access to truth. Whoever survives their eugenic dream will be monitored and surveilled. At all times. Your digital money will be pre-programmed for certain items. If you attempt to purchase an extra pound of meat, your purchase will be denied. This will be the bitter life.

This sounds strangely like masonry doesn’t it? Did our Father give us a clue to the end times bondage of his people? Did He show us Freemasonry would rule over Christianity in harshness? That Freemasonry would reign as a Pharaoh? Is that why the Song of Moses is sung at the end, in the Book of Revelation? Because Moses was the deliverer from Pharaoh’s harsh affliction?

Nobody wants to be hated, so we work to be loved. We compromise ourselves to be accepted. We try really hard, but brothers and sisters, like marriage with a narcissist, it’s not going to work. The Cabal will never love you because you are a son of God. You are marked with Jesus’s holy mark. If you haven’t understood that, I’m sorry, but it’s just true. It is the very reason we need to come into the depths of the Cross, the depths of the Holy Spirit, the depths of the knowledge of our Father and the Kingdom of Jesus Christ.

We are aliens here. We are passing through, like Abraham walking the land. I exhort you to access the Kingdom of God which is within you. Our Father has promised through His Son to make His home with you. It is the greatest promise ever… to know and be made one with Jesus and our Father.

And we must love one another. The spirit of the world has offered us the pride of life, the lust of the eyes and the lust of the flesh. And many of us partook of his offerings. It was the beginning of our captivity. Our lusts. Our pride.

But we can put those things off. We can put off selfish ambitions and self seeking. We can put off compromise and competition. I pray we do. I pray we gather together in meekness. In righteousness. In humility. In love. Because our gathering keeps us joined.

This new world is the unjoining of beautiful Christian fellowship. We’ve gotten a brief taste of it, haven’t we? While puffed up, self exalted men and women in seats of “authority” tell Christians not to sing? Oh, the devil knows the power of corporate worship. He always reveals himself.

While the conference of Pharaoh retreats for a moment to analyze and crunch its numbers from the past two years, we should also analyze. We should take note of those things that were targeted. Our income. Our free speech. Our free thought. Our bodily autonomy. Our faces. Our voice. Our physical touch. Our oneness, and so much more…

And we should begin to press in like never before. Prepare. War is here. The spirit of the world wants to for real enslave us. I have always had a knowing that the second coming of Jesus Christ would be because we cried out for Him. Because we desperately need His deliverance. But the depths of what Pharaoh has planned for Christians may not fully manifest now. The Lord may intervene if the devil is outside of his timing. We may have fifty years. Or more. But what we do know is that those travailing women, those midwife intercessors, Shiphrah and Puah — glitter and glisten – will be interceding…

And He will come. The Deliverer, the Man of War will come. And we will all sing the song of Moses as we stand on the sea of glass at home in the Kingdom of God.

The Song of Moses

*For a profound revelation of Joseph, Benjamin and the Body of Christ, please read Teri Copley’s upcoming book, The Verifiable Legend of The Tribe of Benjamin.


See what Cher Wang, CEO of the Taiwanese consumer electronics company HTC, creator of VIVERSE, had to say at the recent 2022 Mobile World Conference. She explained that VIVEREALTIY is VR/AR (Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality) + AI (Artificial Intelligence) + Blockchain + 5G. Her goal for this conference was to introduce her 5G “Reign” Products. She insists that VIVERSE is built by the people for the people. What will we be building? Here are a few quotes from her speech:

  1. “... our VIVE REALITY vision has been to merge technology with humanity…” (the beginnings of transhumanism – the iron mixing with the clay…)

  2. “Vive is our brand which means Life, and Verse represents the chapters of life. So VIVERSE enables us to create many great memories and encourages us to truly cherish our lives. Life in VIVERSE solves the physical limitations of time and space.” (Consumerism is always telling us what we are missing out on, so we need to purchase the things they sell. A new life. With new chapters. So that we can truly cherish our lives and not be so miserable with the things that have been taken from us.)

  3. “Work takes on a whole new dimension within our immersive VIVE meeting rooms, where we can meet and shake hands with colleagues from all over the world.” (Shake hands… just so we all get on the same page – no one is really shaking hands, but this speech is used to make us feel like we are gaining something far better than real life intimacy – it’s phony, but is sold as true.)

  4. “In VIVERSE we can do so much more and we can create all these incredible memories without leaving home. This spares our planet from countless tons of carbon emissions, as well as giving us so much more time to spend with our loved ones in the real world. This is the gift of infinite time, infinite space and infinite love in VIVERSE.”

The new world.

It reminds me of the 2009 movie Surrogates with Bruce Willis. I tell you this. There is no infinite love in a false reality. A pretend life designed to lock you down and lock you in. Don’t believe everything you hear.


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